DF Scanner

{{{en_dfscanner_information_title:Update Information}}}
{{{en_dfscanner_information:New Features
・Ground correction function updated.
・Updated sugi-hinoki classification model.
・Change from carbon stock estimation to CO2 stock estimation.
・Added Vegetation Map Creation function.
・Supports importing GeoJSON files.
・Supports display of donut-shaped polygons and multi-polygons.
・Supports multiple file import.
・Check polygon information with the Information button.
Function Improvements
・Improved performance of polygon display.
・Fix basemap display.
・Improved loading GeoTIFF files with overview.
・Improved selection statistics calculation.
・Partially improved the tree top detection algorithm.
・Added DF account authentication when using online backup.
・Unified installer for GPU and CPU versions.
・Some of the text on the screen has been corrected and explanations of analysis parameters have been added.}}}

{{{en_dfscanner_pro_information_title:Update Information}}}
{{{en_dfscanner_pro_information:New Features
・Ground correction function updated.
・Updated sugi-hinoki classification model.
・Change from carbon stock estimation to CO2 stock estimation.
・Added Vegetation Map Creation function.
・Supports importing GeoJSON files.
・Supports display of donut-shaped polygons and multi-polygons.
・Supports multiple file import.
・Check polygon information with the Information button.
Function Improvements
・Improved performance of polygon display.
・Fix basemap display.
・Improved loading GeoTIFF files with overview.
・Improved selection statistics calculation.
・Partially improved the tree top detection algorithm.
・Added DF account authentication when using online backup.
・Unified installer for GPU and CPU versions.
・Some of the text on the screen has been corrected and explanations of analysis parameters have been added.}}}

{{{en_dfscanner_lite_information_title:Update Information}}}
{{{en_dfscanner_lite_information:New Features
・Ground correction function updated.
・Updated sugi-hinoki classification model.
・Change from carbon stock estimation to CO2 stock estimation.
・Added Vegetation Map Creation function.
・Supports importing GeoJSON files.
・Supports display of donut-shaped polygons and multi-polygons.
・Supports multiple file import.
・Check polygon information with the Information button.
Function Improvements
・Improved performance of polygon display.
・Fix basemap display.
・Improved loading GeoTIFF files with overview.
・Improved selection statistics calculation.
・Partially improved the tree top detection algorithm.
・Added DF account authentication when using online backup.
・Unified installer for GPU and CPU versions.
・Some of the text on the screen has been corrected and explanations of analysis parameters have been added.}}}